Synergy between accounting disclosures and forward-looking information in stock prices

Arya, Anil

Synergy between accounting disclosures and forward-looking information in stock prices / Anil Arya, Brian Mittenford & ram N. V. Ramanan . -- Páginas 1 a la 17

Reseña : It is well recognized that stock prices provide relevant feedback that can guide future firm decisions. This paper develops a model to examine how accounting disclosures affect the decision-usefulness of such stock market reactions. We demonstrate that information in accounting reports can prove useful because it helps observers better interpret and isolate the decision-relevant information embedded in the ensuing stock price reaction. This leads to natural synergies between accounting reports and stock prices in directing firm strategies—the more forward-looking information that can potentially be gleaned from stock prices, the more the firm will invest in improving precision of accounting disclosures even when such disclosures pertain to unrelated current activities..

Contabilidad--Publicaciones seriadas
Información financiera--Publicaciones seriadas
Pronóstico de los negocios--Publicaciones seriadas
Mercado de capitales--Publicaciones seriadas

Mittenford, Brian ; Ramanan, Ram N. V. ;

Con tecnología Koha